Flash in the Pan (Short Fiction)

Flash in the Pan (Short Fiction) Vol. 2 Three Flash Fiction Stories


The morning was still dark, but she was awake and loading her bags into her car. She looked sadly on the home she would never see again. The porch lights illuminated the crisp lines of the big beautiful house she had called home for the last three years-the longest she’d lived anywhere. It broke her heart, but she had to get out of there before they came for her. They were following her again and would be along shortly.


He was thirteen years younger, and thirteen long years behind her. She wished she had realized it before she married him. At least he was still happy.


The worst place to go and mess up your teeth was when you were out of town.  Three teeth were loose in Tom’s gums, and pain was shooting through his mouth. Luckily he’d found a dentist in town willing to fix it for him. He sat in an exam chair, cotton shoved up his mouth to stop the bleeding and the dentists’ hand probing his teeth. The dentist called an assistant in from another room. A woman entered and handed the dentist some tools. She looked so familiar, thought Tom, but he just couldn’t place her. She looked uncomfortable as Tom stared at her. Finally it hit him: he’d seen her on America’s Most Wanted- she was a fugitive! His eyes widened in terror. The assistant and dentist exchanged concerned glances. Then the dentist said “Tom, I’m afraid I’m going to have to put you under to fix these teeth.” Tom squirmed and tried to yell for help, but the sedation gas mask was on his face before he could get a word out.


Hope you enjoyed the flash fiction! Which one is your favorite?

Photo: Pixabay/ LeoNeo Boy  305 Images


Flash in the Pan (Short Fiction)

Flash in the Pan (Short Fiction) Vol. 1


Narrow brown path, flanking walls of green blades, her scent soliciting tiny insects. The sounds of happily chirping birds had stopped half a mile ago.  The route was narrowing; she wasn’t sure it where it was going anymore. Long, leafy stems kept slapping her face. An uncomfortable silence was advancing like the overgrown foliage. There was a tightening in her chest. It was time to turn around, she realized. But before she could, it stopped her in her tracks. Ten yards away, its eyes locked on her. Half as big as she was, it was a torpedo of muscle, covered in fur. She stepped back slowly. It watched her. She took another step, and then another.  As she took a fourth step back, it cocked it’s head, looking at her curiously. Without warning, the torpedo shot at her. She turned to run. A blur of green and brown was all she saw. Heavy panting and paws on the ground behind her filled her ears. Fear began to overwhelm her as she tried to flee. She could hear it getting closer. Bright light shone from around a corner, the dark path opening. The panting behind her got heavier, the animal getting closer. It would catch her if she wasn’t fast enough. But light was brightening the end of the path.